CR Fujifilm

FCR PRIMA TA table-top reader unit with speedy processing and high resolution.

FCR PRIMA T is a table-top reader unit which boasts a high processing speed of 57 IPs / hour. With the optional Upgrade Kit this speed can be increased still further to 67 IPs / hour


FCR PRIMA T2A compactly designed FCR with high resolution and fast processing only Fujifilm can provide.

FCR PRIMA T2 is a table-top reader unit which boasts a world-class high processing speed of 73 IPs/hour.In the high speed mode (5 pixels/mm), throughput is enhanced almost 70% compared with FCR PRIMA T (only for IPs of 14″ × 17″ and 14″ × 14″ ). As with all Fujifilm equipment FCR PRIMA T2 is easy to operate. It will help reduce patient waiting time and greatly increase the efficiency of examination workflow.

FCR PRIMA TmA smallest class all-in-one tabletop CR equipped with mammography image reading as standard.

High-speed processing
With the highest processing speed in its class, this model can process 73 images per hour. In addition, 40 mammography images can be processed within an hour, allowing smooth image reading.

Space-saving design
FCR PRIMA Tm, with its light and compact tabletop design, can be placed on a desk, shelf or anywhere space is limited. As this is a fully digital reader, neither a darkroom nor automatic processor is required.


FCR PRIMA IIA compact FCR for clinics that can request an image on one screen.

FCR PRIMA II is one of the most compact and lightweight reader units on the market. The required space is comparatively smaller than other similar table-top systems and can be installed in any open space. Another advantage of this unit is that you don’t need a darkroom any longer.

FCR CAPSULA XLIIA compact FCR where the IP is inserted from above.

One of the FCR key components is an Imaging Plate, or IP, that is used in place of X-ray film to easily digitize X-ray images. The FCR CAPSULA XLII features the IP in an unprecedented compact frame, as it incorporates over 70 years of Fujifilm’s extensive technology and know-how.


FCR PROFECT CS PLUSA high-resolution FCR system for mammography with many image processing options.

Dual-side reading technology
The Dual-Side Imaging Plate (IP) Reading technology allows the use of a thicker phosphor layer on the transparent base, thereby increasing DQE (Detective Quantum Efficiency) by collecting the emissions from both sides of the IP.

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